Tidy Up the Look of Your Driveway

Start with driveway sealcoating service in Lewiston, ME

Wondering what you should do about your cracked, unappealing driveway? Let Shamrock Home Improvement clean it up for you. We offer asphalt sealcoating services in Lewiston, ME. Once we're finished, you'll have a smooth, dark driveway that'll withstand harsh elements for years.

Our sealcoating process involves cleaning up your driveway first and then sealing it with a strong, rubber-like material. We have 15+ years of experience and pay close attention to detail, so you can expect us to get the job done right.

Don't skip out on sealcoating your driveway

It's normal for your driveway to fade, dry out and crack over time due to rain, wind, sunlight and extreme temperatures. Without maintenance, your driveway will eventually suffer irreversible damage and need to be replaced entirely. You can save money by scheduling driveway sealcoating service. Driveway sealcoating is designed to...

  • Protect your asphalt from the elements
  • Fill and seal off small voids in the asphalt
  • Prevent the asphalt from becoming brittle
Plus, it'll give your driveway a darker color and neater look that will instantly boost your curb appeal. Call 207-844-1035 today to learn more about the advantages of asphalt sealcoating.